Friday 13 April 2012


I arrived here safely and my journey went very smoothly. Much to my delight as well, it's not really rained since i've been here. Just been quite overcast and grey. But it hasn't detracted from the beauty of this unique city.
My hostel is lovely, set back from the Rialto Market area in a little square. I've just been chatting to a girl from Hong Kong who is doing a similar journey to mine. It feels good to be bold and meet new people. Very liberating!

I didn't really get chance to start exploring today until about 4:30ish, so I mooched around the Pizza San Marco (which was such a beautiful shock coming out from a series of narrow, tall-buildinged streets into this huge square with some of the most impressive buildings I have ever seen). I decided to get in for a look around the Palazzo Ducale before it closed at 7pm, and was awed and humbled by the size of the place. Because it was late in the day, it wasn't too busy. At one point I had the largest room in Europe all to myself. I followed the route from these grand, ornate rooms down to the prisons, across the Bridge of Sighs. The contrast was huge, even just in the temperature. I actually felt my skin shudder a bit, looking into these cells where people had once been placed, centuries ago.
On my way back to the hostel, I needed to find some food for dinner. I spied an osteria in a side street and a smile spread across my face. These little places sell wine and bits of bread with ham and other ingredients. I stood at a little bar for about 40 minutes, surrounded by Italian voices, and wrote in my journal. Then I came back here and felt like I wanted to share it with you all as well :-) sorry if I've rambled (two small glasses of wine are clearly enough for me!). I hope you've enjoyed reading.
Not sure what tomorrow holds yet, other than an early start. More updates and stories soon!
Lots of love too all.
Ciao xx

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