Sunday 15 April 2012


I got to Florence today. Had a bit of a nothingy morning in Venice as it was raining quite heavily and I had to get my train at lunchtime. But it was quite nice to sit and relax for a while before travelling.
Italian trains really are great! Very comfortable and quick! I got to Florence at about 12:30, and after checking in at my hostel (which is a really beautiful place to stay) I went on a wander for some sights and some food. James, you will be proud of me. I went the most direct route I could find to Emporio Gelateria in the Oltrarno area, and had myself a gelato lunch! The photo is of my gelato (chocolate, ricotta and fig, and mascarpone and nutella) with the River Arno and the Ponte Vecchio in the background.

After this I headed towards the Uffizi and the Duomo, the other side of the river, and instantly fell head over heels in love with this city. Such a beautiful place. Everything is so colourful and ornate. Such care and love seem to have gone into the architecture here, and I can feel it in every street I walk down.
I sat in the Piazza Santa Maria Novella and had a cappucino (possibly the best coffee i've ever had!) at a little bar. The sun was starting to set, illuminating the yellows and cream of the buildings even more, which was accentuated by the brooding dark clouds behind. Stunning :-)
I'm back at the hostel now, deciding whether to eat cheaply at the hostel (€3) or splash out somewhere else (€7) haha! No contest! I'm eating out!
Also this hostel sells bottles of chianti for €2.50... Someone buy some cheese and we've got ourselves a party!
Love to everyone reading xx
Sorry about the pictures being the wrong way round! My blogger app doesn't seem to understand portrait!

1 comment:

  1. It still looks very beautiful nonetheless.


    Nina x


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